On a whim I completely disabled the USB 3. Home Help Login Register. I have disabled the Indexing Service and rebooted but unfortunately to no avail. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. It doesn’t happen all the time, but regularly enough to be an issue. You select the Realtek:. This is a beta version and not yet for general release as far as i can see.

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Until a surefire fix is available, here’s my experience with this. Posted July 24, Please report all spam threads, posts and suspicious members. Posted August 6, Hi fox F6m bios is for Rev 1. Try turning off disk indexing.

Or sign in with one of these services Sign in with Facebook. I’m a little wary of flashing my BIOS with files not directly linked to by the manufacturer. I have applied this and it does not remedy the problem. In the end, DPC latency seemed to be the culprit thanks for the link to the tool!

GA-X58A-UD3R (Rev ) – Audio Crackling/Static

Gigabyte exud5 f12 bios Intel i7 d0 3. The other thread I was referring to is: Are you on the newest drivers? I did not use a dsdt ga-x58a-uv3r I am not sure if it will work with Lion. Thanks guys for the help and advice. New one on the way!

GA-X58A-UD3R (Rev 2.0) – Audio Crackling/Static

I’m hoping this fixes it in the interim so I don’t have to lose more time trying pulling my hair out from audio-frustration until an official fix is out. When I hook up the AC97 split to the mobo input it behaves correctly. I was about to RMA my board until I came across this thread.

This is a beta version and not yet for general release as far as i can see. Can you use the the front panel HD audio of another case and plug it into your case? Join Date Sep Posts I will be trying the new BIOS as well and report back here. Sign in Already have an account?

HD Audio problem GA-X58A-UD3R another poster had same thing happen but with a ud7 board,turned out his board was faulty tested by gigabyte and is awaiting a replacement.

Posted July 30, Copyright c Tweak Town Pty Ltd. Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our gq-x58a-ud3r.

Unfortunately, I can validate that for the Rev 1. It would be a nice easy solution. Well as poolshark says there has been some success with the AMD chip boards so let’s hope the same applies to these Intel chip boards. If I hook the front panel cable for HD audio on the CMii case to the mobo, and then hook up headset to front ports, the HD audio panel continually flickers back and forth between “mic” and “headset” detection dialogs.

I have performed a clean installation of Windows 7 bit Ultimate Edition.

Home Help Login Register. In Windows 7 this causes some big latency issues.

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